Adventure in the bush
Age: 4 - 8 years old
​Time: 10am to 1pm
In this new adventure we are taking you on a journey to feel truly safe and at home in the forest! From our base in TSH we will bring the kids on an adventure in the bush where bushcraft skills, storytelling and nature awareness all combines into an empowering learning experience. One day we might prepare for a wild boar hunt,find tracks or navigate our way through the bush, on another one we explore rocks and caves along our stream , make shelters and cook our own meal over a campfire . The perfect program to rewild your child. They might be a bit dirty when they get home and smell like campfire but they will be learning many skills while having the time of their lives under the careful eye of our team!
Location: Tai Shui Hang
Cost: HKD 600/session.
We will only accept 12 children per session.
​Each class has a few English speaking and Cantonese speaking teachers.